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tv   [untitled]    January 25, 2013 12:30am-1:00am PST

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now close. commissioners, do i have a emotion as to whether moises romero can be assigned to patrol special officer to calvin wily's beat. >>i move to approve. >> i second. >> please take roll. >> commissioner loftus. >> aye. >> commissioner chan. >> no. >> commissioner marshall. >> aye. >> commissioner mazzucco. >> aye. >> commissioner kingsley. >> aye. >> motion pationz passes. >> congratulations. thank you. >> thank you for your appearance coming back. >> before we go we go to closed
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session. i know for the record we have one of our patrol special officer chief here. byron is there patrol special on sixth greet. >> [inaudible] >> okay. thank you. >> they're very good. >> that's great. >> okay. let's call line item seven. >> public comment including all matters including closed session and which to vote and have closed session. >> any public comment whether we can have a closed session to handle litigation matters? hearing none public comment is now closed. do i have a motion? >> motion. >> second. >> it's line item eight. it's a long night. >> you can always tell -- >> item to hold item line in
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closed session and attorney-client privilege with these items and the administrative code. action. >> can i have a motion? >> so moved. >> se >> all right commissioners we're back in open session. please call line item number eight. >> >> number 10. >> nine jesus. >> no problem. line item 10 vote whether to disclose any or all discussion item nine held in closed session administrative code. action. >> commissioners. >> i move not to disclose. >> second. >> all in favor? aye. >> please call item 11.
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>> item 11 and adjournment. >> move to adjourn. >> thank you very much everybody . test city attorney and is planning commissioner secretary. that file doesn't make any difference what is sufficient so continue the sierra club and when they participated in every step of the way.
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i ask you to continue it. thank you. thank you. any further public comment >> thank you commissioner on behalf of the 1 hundred henry adams. we would request that you not fine those items. we ask for a continuance for the sierra club received the letter and i would request that i not continue this matter to go forward. thank you. any further public comment.
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seeing none we'll continue. move items 1, 2, 3 at the dates indicated. commissioners on that motion to continue commissioner borden, commissioner si good and commissioner wu >> i. that motion passes 5 to zero. and places you under your content clarld. all content calendar. there will about no further items considered.
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item 4 case no. 420 at 17 va la street. and case no. at 369 third street. and next item at 2:30 there 2:30 hermann street for the condominium conversions. speaker i do have one card. johnson you >> this is automatically pull it. and secretary should we pull it and hear it at the beginning of calendar >> if you want to pull it go
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ahead. >> i live in the rich monday sdrith and i have noticed that about this residential area (inaudible) i'm very concerned about in the richmond sdrith to 12 after you have 16 massage permit. >> sir, if you want to speak on this you have to take it off the calendar. >> i can't speak today? >> if you request to have to be removed and heard - in terms of. >> it's been approved and no, it hasn't been removed.
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when we have it on calendar you can come up and speak and i appreciate it >> sir, we'll hear the item at the beginning of the regular calendar it will come before item 11. >> it's a procedural matter. >> i apologize and it can be confusing. commissioner anthony >> in that case i would move to approve items 4 and 6. >> icon sent. >> commissioners on that motion to approve calendar 4 and 6 commissioner anthony. >> i.
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and commissioners chair wu >> i. >> so commissioners that moves for principle of law and item 5 will be heard at the beginning of the next calendar. >> we'll place number 7 draft minutes for january 13th. any public comment on this item. seeing none closed >> commissioner anthony. >> yeah. i commenced the individual captain and it's misspelled. and with that correction i would move to approve >> second. >> on the motion to adopt the
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minutes and. >> commissioner moore and i and commissioner chair wu. >> it passes. >> commissioner anthony. >> yeah. a few items in regards it the secretary subcommittee we met yesterday and we'll be meeting again next wednesday and we're having 0 some input on a few areas. we have a substance material expert who is analysising these >> and what that step is finished and the subcommittee has approved some of it we will
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begin to post the job position and it will be posted for thirty to 35 days. i would like to ask that it be calendared. >> sounds like a good idea. >> and i have a couple of other comments. article in today's chronicle >> areas in the sunset this deals with a number of houses where the lawns or great areas in front of the houses have been pasted over because the owners don't want to put the effort
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into maintaining them. this is not allowed and they did make references to this. we didn't have the funding to release this but i will support or at least identify some of violations of the home owners. but there have been a number of these that have been eliminates. i did mention in 1965 was a beautiful autumn day. i was driving there the area and i was stopped to do some
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shopping. i thought it was such a nice day i drove out on combaery avenue. they were so well maintained and they all had their areas of lawns in front of the houses. i think it's a shame this is a start up area and they should be reserved for single-family homes >> and this is one of the symptoms you'll see with the
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payoff over and we went to the golden gate and to market street and we were impressed with the crowds who were relating to the opening of the jazz center challenged of changed the area to make it much more inviting to be there. if we can develop those areas in a positive way especially night time activities this is a sign of good things to come
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>> in the latter part of last weeks we heard a - i was probably too tired there was no feedback to this issue. i would ask that we bring back the lady who spoke about this project and how we can help with commenting open development to release a larger picture. i think it's a lost opportunity where we should really be involved.
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i think we can develop further policy and future good things. what was missing really is we didn't have a handout we were just sitting there >> frankly i was tired. thank you. commissioner. >> yes could we have a little feedback about closing the ramps on 380. >> yes. i assume something like that will come forward by maybe a little bit more information than what was in the paper. >> and secondly, in the paper
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the america's cup is going to be sponsored by whatever planet it is called - live nation. and occasional activity on the - >> we can xhirm the activities there. >> i wanted to bring up, i believe this monday there's going to be a hearing about land use and condominium conversion. we had it on our calendar today that's where the 4 and 5 or 5 and 4 conversions come through.
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who ending forces the code and highway are we verifying i believe in the case where the renter is offered a lifetime lease. how are we verifying all of that >> yes in regards to the comments of commissioner i would be supporting it and bringing it back. those same features are attractive and not only sustainable. as follow-up to your own comments commissioner >> i said to speak about that
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there was an additional discussion this morning that the - we often review the current legislation that helps us to get caught with all the issues and i did have the question of whether this project is a tenant issue. i would like to have a refresher on the laws how we're supposed to use them >> item 9 directors announcements. >> good afternoon two announcements.
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2 new street projects. one was in the castro between the sidewalk improvements and we actually have for pedestrian traffic between castro and often called the persian triangle. it is a long-standing desire of the public to make a better project there. those were projects that were identified from the street bond that was passed in 2012 and that bond did have a small pot of money for street improvements.
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we'll be able to move forward. i should announce to the commission that i'm speaking on the boards recently record and that's tuesday night at spur. and that concludes my speech >> board of appeals and historic commission. >> okay. let's did he ever the discussion for later in the calendar. >> okay commissioners that will not to exceed 15 minutes but the public may address this agenda
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item. this is your opportunity to address the commission specifically on item 12 for the street project. with respect to all other items your opportunity will address the members of the commission for up to 3 minutes >> is there any general public comments? >> excuse me. sue von and
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linda. >> good afternoon commissioners and i'm representing the sierra club and i'm asking you to have the items 14 b. i supplied comments to the planning department and to you commissioners regarding the proposed development. i have them here and i didn't receive any notification of this hearing today. and it turns out that the - and i did say that i wanted those - that notification to be sent to my home. the sierra club second street is our headquartered.
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we're allowed to met at that headquarters. there are some volunteers that meet there but most of us are volunteers and we do our work from home. we study all our documents at home and i included my personal address in this letter - 34 or 5 page letter on notes. i did not get the i r hearing. i got a link to it from a planner. there is no way i have to even read the comments to my letter so i'm asking you you possess o
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postpone those items there 12. and i also noticed that i opposed up my mail and there was a letter to my personal address with the notification about the project. so the department knows my address and i've gotten plenty of items from the planning department before. thank you. linda >> as i mentioned before we have a problem with having a place to meet. our neighborhood didn't have any facility only churches and there's usually a problem
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because they're not open at night or they charge a lot of money. that's where we used to meet when he had the money. so, anyway we're going to be meeting at a church in another neighborhood. but some of us had been in the meeting on monday and the situation we saw was the selling operation for the developer. although you could ask questions like is this what we wanted for your neighborhood they were simply told that the meft church said they had this obligation for the local
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congregation. they tied up that this could be use for some non-profit operation and i heard this was not okay to be - it's now on the agenda of the local body for this month that it is not well managed from sacramento. i heard what the board wanted to do was they would be sued by the developmenter. people in our neighborhood were threatened with subpoenas that were so what we have here is a process that we can't allow to
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be the normal thing. i was actually threatened by the lawyer from the church and the church was going to sue me. now, of course, that didn't represent what the church had in mind. i can tell you that diane 92 son will be meeting with them. i'll have to come back and talk more about this >> further comments? sue i would like to second the request from the local sierra club that when you get to item 12 the certification of the e i
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r you'll not hold it over for two weeks. the documents are available for 2 weeks in advance. i further ask that the staff do a much better presentation on the role of the concourse for gatherings in the city. if you will go to the back thought i example you will find a lot of the issues listed here >> i go to the craft fair and i alerted them, they were about to lose their venue and it's news to them. people who are using the space didn't know there was no notice from the city to the